I'm developing my first website using Laravel. I've used HTML, CSS and PHP before but I'm using a predefined layout by Metronic.
They use a quick-nav attribute and I was able to costumize almost everything but now I want to center the image.
Here is the code
<nav class="quick-nav" >
<a class="quick-nav-trigger" style="background-color: black" href="#0">
<img src="path_to_image_here">
<span aria-hidden="true"></span>
<a href="link_here" style="color: red" target="_blank" class="active">
<span>Example 1</span>
<i class="icon-basket"></i>
<a href="link_here" target="_blank">
<span>Example 2</span>
<i class="icon-users"></i>
<a href="link_here" target="_blank">
<span>Example 3</span>
<i class="icon-user"></i>
<a href="link_here" target="_blank">
<span>Example 4</span>
<i class="icon-graph"></i>
<span aria-hidden="true" class="quick-nav-bg" style="background: black"></span>
<div class="quick-nav-overlay"</div>
And here are two images of how it is right now
As you can see the imagem is at the left upper corner at the moment.
Also is it possible to make it draggable? I wanted the user to place it wherever he/she wants but when I use the draggable attribute I get no response and it just sits there in the corner...this is just an add-on, no problem if it's not possible.
I've tried a bunch of given solutions out there but none seems to work...
Thanks in advance and if you need any additional info ask.
via AimForNuts