I'm using mcamara/laravel-localization
package and I can't figure out how to make it work with my unit tests. Both of the following fail with red:
// 1. This one results in "Redirecting to http://myapp.dev/en"
$this->get('/')->assertSee('My App Homepage');
// 2. This one results in 404
$this->get('/en')->assertSee('My App Homepage');
In the browser, http://myapp.dev
returns 302 with a redirect to http://myapp.dev/en
, fair enough. However, http://myapp.dev/en
returns 200. So both cases work 100% fine on the front-end, but not with unit tests.
I do have some customization however, which once again, works like charm in the browser.
// in web.php
'prefix' => app('PREFIX'), // instead of LaravelLocalization::setLocale()
'middleware' => ['localeSessionRedirect', 'localizationRedirect']],
function() {
Route::get('/', function() {
return view('home');
// in AppServiceProvider.php
public function boot()
// This, unlike LaravelLocalization::setLocale(), will determine the
// language based on URL, rather than cookie, session or other
$prefix = request()->segment(1); // expects 'en' or 'fr'
$this->app->singleton('PREFIX', function($app) use ($prefix) {
return in_array($prefix, ['en', 'fr']) ? $prefix : null;
Hopefully this code makes sense to you. Thanks!
via Alex