I have a directory of Laravel projects on a NGNIX server. I would like to access each project with this kind of format
I would like for Laravel to recognize this as well - but - the only to access the project (as of now) is by writing
My problem is similar to this one - but not quite so: How can I remove "public/index.php" in the url generated laravel?
In the Server Configuration file for the domain (under NGNIX), I have the following defined:
server {
[... snip ...]
root /var/www/cons.cclv.nancys.club/;
[... snip ...]
Can I perhaps use something like
server {
[... snip ...]
root /var/www/cons.cclv.nancys.club/*/public;
[... snip ...]
to resolve the issue? TIA
via Casey Harrils