I currently have an object collection that is being passed to a function that generates HTML form fields. I have a nested foreach loop inside of main foreach loop. I am trying to remove all the items the nested goes through from the collection before the main loop hits it.
It is a bit difficult to explain in text so I have the code I have written below.
As you will see I have other statements in the loop but since it is rather long I have just included what I thought to be the necessary parts.
I am using the Laravel Framework so I am utilizing the collection methods to accomplish this.
function generateInlineForm($form){
$form = $form->keyBy('id');
foreach($form as $key=>$field){
if($field->type === "label"){?>
<div class="form-group padding-right-lg align-top">
<label for="" style="padding-right:10px;"></label>
<div class="mt-radio-inline">
<?php $form->forget($key);
foreach($form->where('name', $field->name)->sortBy('order') as $related_key=>$related_field){
// $form->forget(840);
if($related_field->type == "checkbox"){ ?>
<label class="mt-checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" id="" name="" value="">
<?php } else if ($related_field->type == "radio"){ ?>
<label class="mt-radio">
<input type="radio" name="" value="">
<?php }
} ?>
<?php }
via likwidmonster