Monday, April 3, 2017

Graphic count based on the Month using Lavachart on laravel 5.2

Hello i get stuck on this proble, hope you guys can give me some advice to solve this matter. So, i want to show graph that count basen on month, how many keluhan (complain) on that month. so the table will be like january has 3 complain, febuary has 5 complain, etc (example)

public function lihatkeluhan(){

    $count = count($keluhan_list); //this still not count based on month
    $population = Lava::DataTable();

    Lava::LineChart('Population', $population, [
        'title' => 'Tahun : 2017',

    return view('layanankonsumen.daftarkeluhan',compact('halaman','keluhan_list','lava'));

via Christianus Andre
