it is quite difficult to explain my question. I hope you will be able understand it.
For my project I have a master layout which contains the header and yield of content.
<div class="container-fluid main-con">
now on main public route I am raturning a method.
Route::get('/', [
'uses' => 'ProductContoller@getIndex',
'as' => 'product.mainCats'
class ProductContoller extends Controller
public function getIndex(){
$ad_cats = Mainaddtype::orderBy('title')->get();
return view( 'shop.main-categories-page', ['mediacats' => $ad_cats]);
Now my query is, 'main-categories-page' is yielding in content section of master. but I want the same data of Mainadtype in header also. So I want to return view of header on same function. Please help if u understand it.
what I am trying now is,
public function getIndex(){
$ad_cats = Mainaddtype::orderBy('title')->get();
return view( 'shop.main-categories-page', ['mediacats' => $ad_cats]);
return view( 'partials.header', ['mediacats' => $ad_cats]);
But I know we cant return in this way. Thanks in advance.
via Omi kabira