I created php,nodejs, real time chat that dependening on sockets have two javascript files and php file first is
handle all server side operations like:
socket.on('new message', function(data){
var sender = socket.username;
var message = data.message;
socket.room = data.roomid;
socket.broadcast.to(socket.room).emit('receive', {name: sender, msg: message});
have php functions to insert and select data from database like:
function update($name,$msg){
$insert = mysql_query("INSERT INTO message(name, message)
echo json_encode(['status'=>'success']);
} else{
echo json_encode(['status'=>'error']);
client.js handle all client side operations like:
var socket = io.connect( 'http://'+window.location.hostname+':8081' );
socket.on('receive', function(response){
$('.messages').append('<li><div class="msg-lhs"><span class="username">'+localStorage.getItem('username')+'</span> : <span class="msg">'+response.msg+'</span></div><span data-livestamp="'+moment().unix()+'" class="msg-rhs"></span></li>');
$('.messages').animate({scrollTop: $('.messages').prop("scrollHeight")}, 500);
var $this = $(this);
if(e.which === 13){
var message = $this.val();
socket.emit('new message', {message : message, roomid : roomid});
$('.messages').append('<li><div class="msg-lhs"><span class="username">'+localStorage.getItem('username')+'</span> : <span class="msg">'+message+'</span></div><span data-livestamp="'+moment().unix()+'" class="msg-rhs"></span></li>');
$('.messages').animate({scrollTop: $('.messages').prop("scrollHeight")}, 500);
updateDB(localStorage.getItem('username'),message); //Update message in DB
function updateDB(name,msg){
but now i wanna use that app as back-end for mobile real time chat app how can i implement this? or how to use my client side functions in client.js
with mobile client?
via Mohamed Maree