Monday, April 3, 2017

Laravel auth middleware not working

I have modularized my Laravel app. Following is the path where my controllers resides. \app\Modules\Admin\Controllers\SettingController.php

I am using Laravel default auth module for login. In the SettingController constructor I called $this->middleware('auth'); , but even after I login to the app, it is redirecting to Laravel default home page. I think I am breaking some thing in Laravel's flow.

I have 2 route files. One is Laravel default route and another is custom one I created. \app\Modules\Admin\routes.php

Route::group(['namespace' => 'App\Modules\Admin\Controllers'], function () {

  Route::get('admin/settings/stadium-level', 'SettingController@stadiumLevel');


Please help me to solve this issue.

via Kiren Siva
