I'm learning laravel but there is this error that I can solve, please help. (laravel version 5.4.17)
So there is a view where it shows all the categories and them a button to add new one. (like in the pictures)
main view for a list of categories
Here my Controller (CategoriaController.php)
namespace POS\Http\Controller;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use POS\Categoria;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Redirect;
use POS\Http\Request\CategoriaFormRequest;
use DB;
class CategoriaController extends Controller
public function __construct()
public function index(Request $request){
->where('condicion','=','1') //muestra las categorias con condicion activa
// ->orderBy('idcategoria','desc') //ordena de manera descendente
->paginate(); //paginacion que muestra registros de 10 en 10
return view('almacen.categoria.index',["categorias"=>$categorias,"searchText"=>$query]);
public function create(){
return view("almacen.categoria.create");
public function store(CategoriaFormRequest $request){
$categoria=new Categoria;
return Redirect::to('almacen/categoria');
public function show($id){
return view("almacen.categoria.show",["categoria"=>Categoria::findorfail($id)]);
public function edit($id){
return view("almacen.categoria.edit",["categoria"=>Categoria::findorfail($id)]);
public function update(CategoriaFormRequest $request,$id){
return Redirect::to('almacen/categoria');
public function destroy($id){
return Redirect::to('almacen/categoria');
then this is my route (web.php)
| Web Routes
| Here is where you can register web routes for your application. These
| routes are loaded by the RouteServiceProvider within a group which
| contains the "web" middleware group. Now create something great!
Route::get('/', function () {
return view('welcome');
this is my Request (CategoriaFormRequest.php)
namespace POS\Http\Requests;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest;
class CategoriaFormRequest extends FormRequest
* Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
* @return bool
public function authorize()
return true;
* Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
* @return array
public function rules()
return [
and also this is my view (create.blade.php)
@extends ('layouts.admin')
@section ('contenido')
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-6 col-md-6 col sm-6 col-xs-12">
<div class="page-header">Nueva Categoría</div>
@if (count($errors)>0)
<div class="alert alert-danger">
@foreach ($errors->all() as $error)
<div class="form-group">
<label for="nombre">Nombre</label>
<input type="text" name="nombre" class="form-control" placeholder="Nombre...">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="descripcion">Descripción</label>
<input type="text" name="descripcion" class="form-control" placeholder="Descripción...">
<div class="form-group">
<button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit">Guardar</button>
<button class="btn btn-danger" type="reset">Cancelar</button>
thanks for your time!
via Cristian Cotrina