Monday, April 3, 2017

Laravel Multiple orderBy Group Views by Day

I'm using OctoberCMS based on Laravel and Twig.

I'm trying to sort a list of images from the database using orderBy.

I need to display the images grouped by date (desc), then ordered by views (desc) within that date.

I read here to use multiple orderBy passes.

Database Records

name     | created_at          | views
image 01 | 2017-03-27 07:08:31 | 3
image 02 | 2017-03-27 01:19:44 | 25
image 03 | 2017-03-25 01:43:06 | 9
image 04 | 2017-03-25 04:19:43 | 1
image 05 | 2017-03-25 15:19:43 | 12
image 06 | 2017-03-22 03:07:06 | 4
image 07 | 2017-03-22 08:10:07 | 16
image 08 | 2017-03-21 09:04:29 | 39
image 09 | 2017-03-20 07:38:31 | 5
image 10 | 2017-03-20 05:32:24 | 28



Successfully orders by Date created_at, but ignores ordering by views. May be because of time.

$this->page["scopeGallery"] = Gallery::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')
                                      ->orderBy('views', 'desc')


Returns null.

$this->page["scopeGallery"] = Gallery::select(\DB::raw('DATE(created_at) as day'))
                                      ->orderBy('views', 'desc')


Result I'm looking for

name     | created_at | views
image 02 | 2017-03-27 | 25
image 01 | 2017-03-27 | 3

image 05 | 2017-03-25 | 12
image 03 | 2017-03-25 | 9
image 04 | 2017-03-25 | 1

image 07 | 2017-03-22 | 16
image 06 | 2017-03-22 | 4

image 08 | 2017-03-21 | 39

image 10 | 2017-03-20 | 28
image 09 | 2017-03-20 | 5

via Matt McManis
