Friday, April 14, 2017

Missing argument 1 for Illuminate\\Support\\Manager::createDriver()

I had a look at every post related to this error in Laravel:

Missing argument 1 for Illuminate Support Manager - createDriver()

2th link

3th link

None of them solved my issue: I am using Laravel Lumen version 5.4 and Dingo API package.

I want to access to the Authenticated User in the incoming request:

 $request->user(); //returns an instance of the authenticated user

However this will throw me an error saying:

Missing argument 1 for Illuminate\Support\Manager::createDriver(), called in /var/www/html/myApp/vendor/illuminate/support/Manager.php on line 88 and defined",

I know that in order to get the Authenticated User, you need to provide the Auth Middleware inside the routing:

  $api->get('register/{accountId}', ['middleware' => 'auth', 'App\Http\Controllers\Api\V1\RegisterController@registerAction']);

But adding the Middleware Auth inside my route will actually not reach the Controller endpoint and throw the same error that you can see above.

I have the AuthServiceProvider registered in my bootstrap/app.php:


And this is the AuthServiceProvider class:


 namespace App\Providers;

 use App\Models\Account;
 use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;

 class AuthServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
   * Register any application services.
   * @return void
   public function register() {

   * Boot the authentication services for the application.
   * @return void
   public function boot() {
    // Here you may define how you wish users to be authenticated for your Lumen
    // application. The callback which receives the incoming request instance
    // should return either a User instance or null. You're free to obtain
    // the User instance via an API token or any other method necessary.

    $this->app['auth']->viaRequest('api', function ($request) {

        if ($request->input('api_token')) {
            return Account::where('api_token', $request->input('api_token'))->first();

This is what I have in config/auth.php:


  return [

| Authentication Defaults
| This option controls the default authentication "guard" and password
| reset options for your application. You may change these defaults
| as required, but they're a perfect start for most applications.

'defaults' => [
    'guard' => 'web',
    'passwords' => 'users',

| Authentication Guards
| Next, you may define every authentication guard for your application.
| Of course, a great default configuration has been defined for you
| here which uses session storage and the Eloquent user provider.
| All authentication drivers have a user provider. This defines how the
| users are actually retrieved out of your database or other storage
| mechanisms used by this application to persist your user's data.
| Supported: "session", "token"

'guards' => [
    'web' => [
        'driver' => 'session',
        'provider' => 'users',

    'api' => [
        'driver' => 'token',
        'provider' => 'users',

| User Providers
| All authentication drivers have a user provider. This defines how the
| users are actually retrieved out of your database or other storage
| mechanisms used by this application to persist your user's data.
| If you have multiple user tables or models you may configure multiple
| sources which represent each model / table. These sources may then
| be assigned to any extra authentication guards you have defined.
| Supported: "database", "eloquent"

'providers' => [
    'users' => [
        'driver' => 'eloquent',
        'model' => App\User::class,

| Resetting Passwords
| You may specify multiple password reset configurations if you have more
| than one user table or model in the application and you want to have
| separate password reset settings based on the specific user types.
| The expire time is the number of minutes that the reset token should be
| considered valid. This security feature keeps tokens short-lived so
| they have less time to be guessed. You may change this as needed.

'passwords' => [
    'users' => [
        'provider' => 'users',
        'table' => 'password_resets',
        'expire' => 60,


I tried to debug the issue myself and I found out that this is where it is breaking in Laravel:

 * Create a new driver instance.
 * @param  string  $driver
 * @return mixed
 * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
protected function createDriver($driver)
    // We'll check to see if a creator method exists for the given driver. If not we
    // will check for a custom driver creator, which allows developers to create
    // drivers using their own customized driver creator Closure to create it.
    if (isset($this->customCreators[$driver])) {
        return $this->callCustomCreator($driver);
    } else {
        $method = 'create'.Str::studly($driver).'Driver';

        if (method_exists($this, $method)) {
            return $this->$method();
    throw new InvalidArgumentException("Driver [$driver] not supported.");

I can see in the stackTrace that it is passing a NULL driver inside createDriver() method which cause the error that I'm having. I wonder if it is not a simple configuration thing that I have to add inside my .env file.

I am starting with Laravel Lumen, it's a great tool for building API and I'm not blaming the tool itself (I took a lot of time reading the beautiful documentation), I'm pretty sure that I missed something very simple, if someone can guide me to this, I will be very pleased.

via Katcha
