I want to select documents which are in user given date time period like between :
$from_date : "2017-01-07 09:08:59" To `$to_date : "2017-08-09 09:08:59"`
I'm using laravel framework and jenssegers/laravel-mongodb mongodb driver to run my query, And this is my Raw query :
$normal_banners = BannerView::raw(function ($collection) use ($id, $from_date, $to_date) {
$conditions = [
["camp_id" => ['$eq' => $id]],
['$or' => [
['seat_target_status' => ['$eq' => true]],
['seat_target_status' => ['$eq' => false]]
['camp_target_status' => ['$eq' => false]],
if ($to_date) {
$conditions[] = ['updated_at' => ['$lte' => $to_date]];
if ($from_date) {
$conditions[] = ['created_at' => ['$gte' => $from_date]];
return $collection->aggregate([
['$match' => ['$and' => $conditions]],
But my problem is that it returns 0 as result; while there are 16 documents in this time period.
I've tried this method to get the count of them but still 0 result :
$targeted_banners = BannerView::Where('camp_id', $id)
->where('seat_target_status', true)
->orwhere('seat_target_status', false)
->where('camp_target_status', false)
->whereBetween("created_at", array($from_date, $to_date))
Any suggestion how to fix this ?
via Mohammad_Hosseini