I have a simple event list, which I take from the Events table. The view where I list the events has a sidebar with four categories. I want, when clicking on a category, to access the route "events?category=2" for example and show only the events in that category.
I created a service provider which provides the categories from the database table "categories" for the table, and the link in the sidebar is
<a href="">
The routes are
Route::get('events', 'EventsController@mainList')->name('events');
And the EventsController is as follows:
public function mainList(Request $request){
$events = Event::all();
return view('pages.events', compact('events'));
public function searchEventByCategory(Request $request){
$events = Event::where('category',$request->query('id'));
return redirect()->route('events', compact('events'));
This doesn't work, as, on calling the controller in the 'events' route, the $events variable is overridden, even if I pass it as argument to the route.
I can't think of anything to go around this problem. How could I approach it?
via Ileana Profeanu