Tuesday, April 11, 2017

what are steps to do for Security hardening Laravel websites [on hold]

I am developing more & more Laravel based websites of late. I have doing the below steps to make sure that my application is secured.

  1. Installed 'laravel-security' package which is a Symfony Security Core in Laravel
  2. Installed 'authority-controller' which is an PHP authorization library for Laravel to restricts what resources a given user is allowed to access.
  3. Used 'Laravel-ACL' which is a role-based permissions for Laravel 5 built in Auth system
  4. Always used Eloquent queries instead of DB::raw() queries to avoid SQL injection
  5. Always sanitised user input to avoid XSS
  6. Always add CSRF token in forms
  7. Used to define an 'https' filter to redirect the visitor to the secure route, if an SSL certificate installed on the web server
  8. Always defined $fillable & $guarded properties in the model to take care of mass assignment
  9. Escaping content - Always used double-brace syntax () in Blade templates. And used {!! $value !!} syntax, only when I was certain the data is safe to display in its raw format.
  10. Always Used Hash class to store passwords
  11. Always Used Auth::attempt method for authenticating user.

Do I need to do any more steps to make sure my Laravel application is Safe.

Thanks you your help in advance.

via manian
