Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Lumen QueryException write to log

I'm using Lumen 5.3.* and I need to make QueryException write errors on the storage/logs/lumen.log.

Other validations are writing to the log file except for QueryException.

try {
    // throw here exception here
} catch (QueryException $e) {
    // do what ever
} catch (CustomException $e) {
    // do what ever

I have my CustomException extended to \Exception and use Handler class to to do report() as to why I am able to write to the log file. But the QueryException does not. (QueryException is a lumen vendor file)

I know it is possible to just to \Log() upon catch on the QueryException but I want to make things cleaner by not putting it this way.

Is there another way to do this aside from doing what was stated above?

Thanks in advance!

via basagabi
