Sunday, April 16, 2017

How to show result as nested categories in Laravel 5.2

Often the programmer wants to build nested product categories so that he can customize the type of products he has and also for easy modification it.

first: i have 5 migrations about categories tables

// migration: 1
Schema::create('products_categories_1', function (Blueprint $table) {

// migration: 2
Schema::create('products_categories_2', function (Blueprint $table) {

// migration 3, 4 and 5 is the same with 2

migrations view example taken from database
products_categories_1 table products_categories_2 table

To be aware, I have completed the system of adding, modifying and deleting any of these categories.

second: i have products migration

Schema::create('products', function (Blueprint $table) {

products table

by applying this code

    ->where('category_table_number', $category_table_number)
    ->where('category_id', $category_id)

With this previous code, the product with the direct rating is obtained only, but I want to get all products with nested categories


    ->where('category_table_number', 1)
    ->where('category_id', 4)

// Result: array('11') (from product table image)

product table products_categories_1 table

// but i want to appear all products with nested categories like
// Result: array('11', '1') (from product table image)

products table produts_categories_2 table

I wish:
I could find a solution to that problem or if I had a better idea of making overlapping classifications, please see me it

Thanks for any help

via Ahmed Sk
