When I try to add additional data to an session array it overwrites the old ones. Is there a way to add multiple values to session array without overwriting the old one or have I to use push one by one?
Here for example:
Now with session()->all()
I get:
"parent" => [
"name" => "jhon",
"surname" => "doe",
When I want to add additional values with put for example:
No I get this with session()->all()
"parent" => [
"gender" => "male",
"phone" => "000000",
But I want:
"parent" => [
"name" => "jhon",
"surname" => "doe",
"gender" => "male",
"phone" => "000000",
So how can I add additional (multiple) data to an existing session array without touching the old ones?
via Skeletor