I posted a previous question seeing if what I'm trying to do could be done with eloquent relationships and it looks like it isn't possible ( Laravel 5.3 Many to many relationship with same model ) .
So now I'm trying to write the query with query builder and have this:
return $relationships = DB::table('landlord_contact_landlord_contact')
->where('landlord_contact1_id', $id)
->orWhere('landlord_contact2_id', $id)
->join('landlord_contacts', function($join){
$join->on('landlord_contacts.id', '=' , 'landlord_contact_landlord_contact.landlord_contact1_id');
->get(['landlord_contact_landlord_contact.id AS relationshipID','landlord_contact_landlord_contact.type' , 'landlord_contacts.*']);
Lets say I have a contact named Jim with an id of 1
And another contact named Tom with an id of 2
What I'm trying to do is have each contact have relationships with other contacts. The table "landlord_contact_landlord_contact" is the pivot table and has "landlord_contact1_id" and "landlord_contact2_id" to join the 2 contacts. Now if I create a record, connecting Jim to Jon and have landlord_contact1_id = 1 and landlord_contact2_id = 2 that's great. But how can I make the query work on both columns so I don't have to create 2 records for each relationship.
I want to search on both columns for the current landlord's id and then do a join either on landlord_contact1_id or landlord_contact2_id depending on which one isn't the current landlords ID.
Note : In my previous post, I used the table name User, but have since renamed everything to Landlord Contacts
via tecshaun