Saturday, April 1, 2017

Anchor remains in URL and in page after refreshing

I have this little issue here with my page, where if I reload it while being anchored, the anchor remains and there is a problem to it. I.E


The anchor is #mod1, and while the anchor remains active after refresh, my CSS code is saying that this element:


is active. Which is a very big issue, because then it doesn't allow me to explore the functionallity I have implemented on this anchor, unless I remove the #mod1 from the end of the page manually by hand. Because this CSS element makes this div visible when it should be not unless activated with the a href element.

<a href="#mod" class="button">(?)</a>
<div id="mod" class="overlay">

Any ideas on how could I solve it? I tried catching whether the user has refreshed the page and redirecting him to an action/route/url, but the page stays blank then and URL unchanged.

via moodseller
