I've been struggling with a issue the last couple of days. I've just started using Laravel and are getting real fond of the Eloquent-syntax! But there's a issue when I'm trying to get the correct relation between three models.
I've got this setup:
programs table contains
- event_id
- user_id
- role_id
In my Event-model I've got
public function programs(){
return $this->hasMany(Program::class);
In my User-model I've got
public function programs(){
return $this->hasMany(Program::class);
In my Role-model I've got
public function programs(){
return $this->hasMany(Program::class);
And my Program-model contains
public function event(){
return $this->belongsTo(Event::class);
public function user(){
return $this->belongsTo(User::class);
public function role(){
return $this->belongsTo(Role::class);
And I need to get the following result
Events -> Users -> Role
In my controller I've got $events = Event::with('programs.role.programs.user')->get();
Which is producing this:
"id": 2,
"name": "Concert: Freddy Kalas",
"description": "Freddy Kalas konsert",
"user_id": 2,
"time_from": "12.04.2017 22:00:00",
"time_to": "12.04.2017 23:00:00",
"created_at": "2017-03-20 18:28:44",
"updated_at": "2017-03-20 18:28:44",
"programs": [
"id": 2,
"event_id": 2,
"user_id": 2,
"role_id": 1,
"created_at": null,
"updated_at": null,
"role": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Camera operator",
"description": "Operates ordinary cameras or PTZ cameras",
"created_at": "2017-03-20 20:11:06",
"updated_at": "2017-03-20 20:11:06",
"programs": [
"id": 1,
"event_id": 3,
"user_id": 2,
"role_id": 1,
"created_at": null,
"updated_at": null,
"user": {
"id": 2,
"name": "Dummy Dum",
"email": "dummy@example.com",
"created_at": "2017-03-20 16:45:09",
"updated_at": "2017-03-20 16:45:09"
"id": 2,
"event_id": 2,
"user_id": 2,
"role_id": 1,
"created_at": null,
"updated_at": null,
"user": {
"id": 2,
"name": "Dummy Dum",
"email": "dummy@example.com",
"created_at": "2017-03-20 16:45:09",
"updated_at": "2017-03-20 16:45:09"
"id": 3,
"name": "Prøveproduksjon",
"description": "Prøveproduksjon med video og lyd",
"user_id": 1,
"time_from": "11.04.2017 13:00:00",
"time_to": "11.04.2017 17:00:00",
"created_at": "2017-04-03 17:12:37",
"updated_at": "2017-04-03 17:12:37",
"programs": [
"id": 1,
"event_id": 3,
"user_id": 2,
"role_id": 1,
"created_at": null,
"updated_at": null,
"role": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Camera operator",
"description": "Operates ordinary cameras or PTZ cameras",
"created_at": "2017-03-20 20:11:06",
"updated_at": "2017-03-20 20:11:06",
"programs": [
"id": 1,
"event_id": 3,
"user_id": 2,
"role_id": 1,
"created_at": null,
"updated_at": null,
"user": {
"id": 2,
"name": "Dummy Dum",
"email": "dummy@example.com",
"created_at": "2017-03-20 16:45:09",
"updated_at": "2017-03-20 16:45:09"
"id": 2,
"event_id": 2,
"user_id": 2,
"role_id": 1,
"created_at": null,
"updated_at": null,
"user": {
"id": 2,
"name": "Dummy Dum",
"email": "dummy@example.com",
"created_at": "2017-03-20 16:45:09",
"updated_at": "2017-03-20 16:45:09"
I can't get the models to relate to eachother - it seems. The preferred result that I want is that all the Events is tied with many users - and all the users for that event to be tied to one role. How can i accomplish this with Laravel and Eloquent?
Thanks for any responses!
EDIT: To fetch the data i use the following code to generate the results above
$events = Event::with('programs.role.programs.user')->get();
Content of the programs table
# id, event_id, user_id, role_id, created_at, updated_at
'1', '3', '2', '1', NULL, NULL
'2', '2', '2', '1', NULL, NULL
This would mean that the user with an ID of 2 is only associated with event 3 with an role of 1 and event 2 with a role of 1. As you can see from the results both events has both role 1 and 2. Sorry for bad explanation..
via Fredrik Angell Moe