Monday, April 10, 2017

Two methods Post in a form

I have an external paiement application service who take care about the paiements from my shopping application .

I have a form method Post to the service to send the data and the service valide the payment transaction .

 <form method="POST" action="">
<input type="submit" name="payer" value="Payer"/></form>

I would like to post also a request method from my payment controller to update my items who was paid

here my controller wish i would like to be run when the user click on "payer" also

public function postCheckoutCreditCard(Request $request)

            return view('shop.panier');
        $oldCart = Session::get('Cart') ;
        $cart = new Cart($oldCart);
        $items = $cart->items;

        if(Input::get('payer')) {

            // on inject le nouveau statut de la licence
            foreach ($items as $item) {

                $item['item']->statut_licence_id = LicenceStatut::where('id', '4')->firstOrFail()->id;
                $item['item']->valid_licence_id = LicenceValid::where('id', '1')->firstOrFail()->id;


            $order = new Order;
            $prefix = 'F';
            $date = Carbon::now();
            $saison = Saison::where('dt_deb', '<', $date)->where('dt_fin', '>', $date)->value('lb_saison');
            $saison_deb = substr($saison, 2, 2);
            $saison_fin = substr($saison, -2);
            $num_facture_exist = true;
            while ($num_facture_exist) {
                $num_facture = $prefix . $saison_deb . $saison_fin . substr(uniqid(rand(), true), 4, 4);
                if (!Order::where('num_facture', '=', $num_facture)->exists()) {
                    $order->num_facture = $num_facture;
                    $num_facture_exist = false;
            $order->structure_id = Structure::where(['id' => Auth::user()->structure->id])->firstOrFail()->id;
            $order->cart = serialize($cart);
            $order->date_achat = Carbon::now();
            $order->payment_method = 'Carte de Crédit';
            $order->etat_paiement = 'Facture Réglée';


            Auth::user()->notify(new InvoicePaid($order));

            $federation = Structure::where('id', '1')->first();
            Mail::to($federation->adresse_email_structure)->send(new NouvelleCommande($order));


            return redirect('home')->with('status', "Votre paiement à été effectué avec sucess , votre numéro de facture : . $order->num_facture est disponible dans la rubrique Mes cotisation ");

I'm not sure how to do this . someone could help me ? thanks in advance

via Mathieu Mourareau
