Monday, February 27, 2017

Installed illuminate/routing But no ClassLoader

I am following the following tutorial
My composer.json looks like this
    "name": "superior/siginin",
    "description": "Sign In Example",
    "authors": [
            "name": "A G",
            "email": ""
    "require": {

My index.php looks like this..
 * User: ag
 * Date: 2/27/17
 * Time: 10:08 AM

require 'vendor/autoload.php';
require 'vendor/illuminate/support/helpers.php';
$basePath = str_finish(dirname(__FILE__), '/');
$controllersDirectory = $basePath . 'Controllers';
$modelsDirectory = $basePath . 'Models';

// register the autoloader and add directories
Illuminate\Support\ClassLoader::addDirectories(array($controllersDirectory, $modelsDirectory));

For some strange Reason Illuminate\Support\ClassLoader was not loaded into my page
Does anyone have a clue to why this is. The version of Illuminate\Routing it added was v5.4.13
according to the api. It should be in there.

via numerical25
