For unknown reasons all of bootstrap classes are not functioning properly after I used laravel-elixir .version() method, example, all of the form inputs that have a class of form-control and a width of 100% have had their width decreased to a very small space, also drop-down menu buttons are not doing anything now, I am not sure what may have caused this actually.
const elixir = require('laravel-elixir');
elixir((mix) => {
.version(['css/app.css', 'js/app.js']);
Imports at the beginning of app.scss
// Fonts
@import url(,400,600);
// Variables
@import "variables";
// Bootstrap
@import "node_modules/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap";
Browsers are loading the correct hashed version file, but the styling is kinda not there, please help.
via Omar Tarek