im doing a property sales website, and i have todo an advanced search, with number of bedroom for example.
but i have properties like shop that dont have bedroom attributes,how to know each table i have to search like apartment or house. i'm using scopes and for location and type of properties works fine.
My property model
public function atributos(){
//se for moradia
if ($this->tipoimovel_id == 1) {
return $this->hasOne(Moradia::class);
//se for apartamento
else if ($this->tipoimovel_id == 2) {
return $this->hasOne(Apartamento::class);
//se for loja
else if ($this->tipoimovel_id == 3) {
return $this->hasOne(Loja::class);
//se for armazem
else if ($this->tipoimovel_id == 4) {
return $this->hasOne(Armazem::class);
//se for terreno para construção
else if ($this->tipoimovel_id == 5) {
return $this->hasOne(TerrenoConstrucao::class);
// se for terreno para outros fins
else if ($this->tipoimovel_id == 6) {
return $this->hasOne(TerrenoOutrosFins::class);
Warehouse dont have number of bedrooms
Schema::create('armazens', function (Blueprint $table) {
house have
Schema::create('moradias', function (Blueprint $table) {
My scope to search by number of bedrooms
public function scopeProcuraNrQuartos($query,$nrQuartos){
if ($nrQuartos) $query->where( $this->atributos()->nrQuartos , '>=' , $nrQuartos);
i know that its wrong, but exist some validation to know if that attribute exists in the table? Thanks
via D. Lopes