I've a form where i am calculating sum of amounts. Rows are dynamically generated with jquery clone();
This code is calculating sum of rendered rows not the new created rows
var $inst = $('.inst_amount');
$inst_form = $('.inst_form');
$total_amount = $('#total_amount');
$total_price = $('#total_price');
total = 0;
$.each($inst, function(index, val) {
var val = ($(this).val() == "") ? 0 : $(this).val();
total = total + parseFloat(val);
$(document).on('blur','.inst_amount', function(){
var total = 0;
$.each($inst, function(index, val) {
var val = ($(this).val() == "") ? 0 : $(this).val();
total = total + parseFloat(val);
via Rizwan Saleem