Thursday, March 16, 2017 ajax response fails whilst jquery ajax does not

I am currently working with the plugin and am experiencing something really strange.

On page load, 50% of the time the ajax response via datatables is ok and the data loads, but the other 50% it fails and complains of an internal 500 error.

I have the call like this -

    historyTable = $('#historyTable').DataTable(
                                "url": "http://localhost/history.php", 
                    "order": [[ 2, "desc" ]],  

                    // ....  

Now to debug I did the same but in jquery -

        url: "http://localhost/history.php",
        dataType : 'json',
        success: function (result) 

The really strange thing is that when the dataTables ajax call fails it logs this to console

GET http://localhost/history.php 500 (Internal Server Error)

The jquery logs -

Object {data: Array[169]}

I am completely baffled. I have tried removing the dataType json from jquery ajax call and still makes no difference.

Any advice on how to debug this further to work it out?

via GeekInDisguise
