Friday, March 10, 2017

Dropzone and another input type file?

  <input type="file" name="default_image" id="imgInp" value="">

<div class="dropzone_upload">
       <div class="dz-message" data-dz-message>
              <img src='/assets/home/img/cloud_upload.png'/><br/>DRAG AND DROP IMAGES HERE <br/> <span class='or'>or</span> <br/> <a href='javascript:void(0)' class='upload_images'>UPLOAD IMAGES</a>

Now i have a problem when i upload default image and images in dropzone it mix those two so everything puts in default_image[].

Any suggestion how can i fix that?

When i do like this it say that image must be a type of jpeg,bmp,png:

             'default_image' => 'mimes:jpeg,bmp,png|max:2000'

via None
