Monday, March 6, 2017

Got Http response code 400 when accessing

i'm working on Laravel 5.2 with Paypal-SDK sandbox

I get this error during call mainly paypal class

Exception: Got Http response code 400 when accessing

this is my code:

$payer = new Payer();

    $inputs = (object) $request->all();
    $items = [];

    for ($i = 1; $i <= $request->input('items_number'); $i++) 
        $item_name = $request->input("item_name_$i");
        $item_quantity = $request->input("item_quantity_$i");
        $item_price = $request->input("item_price_$i");

        if(empty($item_price) || $item_price == 0){
            return redirect('/');

        $item = new Item();

        $items[] = $item;

    // add item to list
    $item_list = new ItemList();

    // price of all items together
    $amount = new Amount();

    // transaction
    $transaction = new Transaction();
                ->setDescription('This is just a demo transaction.');

    $redirect_urls = new RedirectUrls();

    $payment = new Payment();

    try {
    } catch (\PayPal\Exception\PayPalConnectionException $ex) {
        if (config('app.debug')) {
            echo "Exception: " . $ex->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
            $err_data = json_decode($ex->getData(), true);
        } else {
            die('Some error occur, Sorry for inconvenient');

    foreach($payment->getLinks() as $link) 
        if($link->getRel() == 'approval_url') {
            $redirect_url = $link->getHref();

    /* here you could already add a database entry that a person started buying stuff (not finished of course) */
    Session::put('paypal_payment_id', $payment->getId());

    if(isset($redirect_url)) {
        // redirect to paypal
        return redirect()->away($redirect_url);

    return 'This is some error';

How can i solve this?

via Ahmed Sk
