I get some data from Controller and pass it to View with
// Foreach url get latest 2 Analytics data - This isn't my code but it works
$urls = URL::with('analytics')->get()->map(function($urls) {
$urls->analytics = $urls->analytics->sortByDesc('created_at')->take(2);
return $urls;
return view('urls.index')->with('urls', $urls);
In index view I did this
@foreach ($urls as $url)
<?php dd($url->analytics); ?>
so I get a Collection of some sort which is new to me.
Collection {#422 ▼
#items: array:2 [▼
12 => Analytic {#2076 ▶}
11 => Analytic {#1951 ▼
#table: "analytics"
#connection: null
#primaryKey: "id"
#keyType: "int"
#perPage: 15
+incrementing: true
+timestamps: true
#attributes: array:5 [▼
"id" => 990
"quality" => 1
"url_id" => 23
"created_at" => "2017-02-20 07:00:02"
"updated_at" => "2017-02-20 07:00:02"
#original: array:5 [▶]
#relations: []
#hidden: []
#visible: []
#appends: []
#fillable: []
#guarded: array:1 [▶]
#dates: []
#dateFormat: null
#casts: []
#touches: []
#observables: []
#with: []
+exists: true
+wasRecentlyCreated: false
How do I get the values of each Analytic? I believe I need something like
I always get two last Analytic values with each url so I would like to compare them
via Marko