I have connected on the page welcome.blade.php javascript cropbox that truncates the image. After click on button Crop i get the string like .....................................................................................
I write my function to send with ajax sendAvatar(img) and adding to the bottom of klick event
$('#btnCrop').on('click', function(){
var img = cropper.getDataURL();
Next i try to send to my web.php with ajax
function sendAvatar(img){
var url = '';
var token = '{!! csrf_token() !!}';
method: 'POST',
url: url,
data: {_token: token, img: img},
success: function(){
I have a model Avatar.php with field avatar_url
class Avatar extends Model
protected $fillable=['id','avatar_url'];
Now i try in my web.php store the image in my db
But i don t know how to do this. Please help me
I am use laravel 5.4
via Jaan Pajusalu