Wednesday, March 1, 2017

How to save multiple Checkboxes value into Pivot Table?

I have 2 models with Many-to-Many Relation when I create new Device and check multiple Checkboxes I want to save multiple voices_id with Device_id into the Pivot Table device_voice

Device Controller

public function create()
    $this->authorize("create", Device::class);

    $voice_list = Voice::all();

    return view('devices.create')
        ->with('voice_list', $voice_list);

public function store(CreateDeviceRequest $request)
    $this->authorize("create", Device::class);

    $input = $request->all();

    $device = $this->deviceRepository->create($input);
    Flash::success('Device saved successfully.');

    return redirect(route('devices.index'));
public function edit($id)
    $device = $this->deviceRepository->findWithoutFail($id);

    $this->authorize("update", $device);

    $voice_list    = Voice::all();
    $selectedVoice = $device->voices->pluck("id")->toArray();

    if (empty($device)) {
        Flash::error('Device not found');

        return redirect(route('devices.index'));

    return view('devices.edit')
          ->with('device', $device)
          ->with('voice_list', $voice_list)
          ->with('selectedVoice', $selectedVoice);


via Ahmed Abdulrahman
