i'm trying to send a email with Attachment File , It Work Perfectly when i'm using an externale link like :
public function build()
{ return $this->view('email.test') ->attach("otherwebsite.com/file.pdf"); }
But when i try to send Files that stored on my Storage Folder like :
public function build()
{ return $this->view('email.test') ->attach("mydomainename.com/storage/file.pdf"); }
, it Thrown an Eroor :
Swift_IoException in FileByteStream.php line 144: Unable to open file for reading
i had already generated a Storage:LINK , that allow to me to access to Storage Folder and i can access to it via url ( mydomainenname.com/storage/file.pdf ) ,
Please Help me What should i do ? it's been 3 days i'm trying to resolve this problem and nothing Found :/
via Marouane SH