Monday, March 20, 2017

Laravel 5 Duplicate Auth Forgot Password Process

I've duplicated the make:auth functionality on my app. The login and register are working, however, I'm having some difficulties with the Forgot My Password part. The chain of functions is kind of big going from ForgotPasswordController -> SendsPasswordResetEmails -> PasswordBroker -> Auth\UserProvider -> retrieveByCredentials function.

I have no idea which files I need to duplicate, cause except the first one, the rest are part of the vendor folder.

I've already changed the auth.php file to account for two types of users(candidate and company_user). I've created the additional guards, providers and passwords.

The error I'm getting is:

Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'app.users' doesn't exist (SQL: select * fromuserswhereemail= limit 1)

In my DB, I have the user tables Candidates and Company_Users.

What do I need to duplicate and/or what do I need to change? Any help?

via Adam Silva
