What I want to do is to load different ServiceProviders dinamically to register some Routes. If I put include $pathToModuleRoutes;
inside ModuleServiceProvider
it works like a charm, but I want that logic in each ServiceProvider for each module.
My app.php
looks like this:
App\Providers\ModuleServiceProvider::class, //Mine
The ModuleServiceProvider
looks like this:
public function boot()
if (config('modules')) {
foreach (config('modules') as $module => $content) {
$serviceProvider = '\Modules\\' . $module . '\Providers\ModuleServiceProvider';
if (class_exists($serviceProvider)) {
One of my ModuleServiceProvider
inside a module looks like this:
public function boot()
$this->loadViewsFrom(base_path() . '/modules/Blog/resources/views', 'blog');
$this->loadTranslationsFrom(base_path() . '/modules/Blog/resources/lang', 'blog');
include base_path() . '/modules/Blog/Http/routes.php';
This code (module ModuleServiceProvider) is executed, I checked with a dd()
, but I think those modules are added to the end of the list of service providers. I can't use those routes and I think that's because RouteServiceProvider
already did his job.
Any idea how to achieve the behaviour I want?
EDIT: executing php artisan route:list
show the routes I can't execute
via Lloople