Friday, March 3, 2017

Laravel 5.4 migrate:generate fails with Way\Generators\Filesystem\FileNotFound error

I am trying to use Xethron/migrations-generator in a Laravel 5.4 project in order to generate migration files for all of the tables in my database. I followed the instructions in the README file for Laravel 5 to the letter. After resolving a complaint or two (had to install php7.0-xml extension), I try to run it but it spits out an error like so:

$ php artisan migrate:generate
Using connection: mysql

Generating migrations for: group_product_assoc, groups, product_hierarchy_assoc, product_product_assoc, products, replist, sessionsOLD, stores, tree, users, zipcode_coordinates

 Do you want to log these migrations in the migrations table? [Y/n] :
 > n

Setting up Tables and Index Migrations


I have reported this issue to Xethron on github and apparently I'm not the only person having this problem.

Can anyone tell me how to get this working? I'm not especially fluent with Laravel or Composer so please don't skimp on the basic explanations. I'm using:

  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • PHP 7.0.15
  • Laravel 5.4

via S. Imp
