I'm new to Laravel, and I cannot find my mistake. I'm sure it's stupid, but the error message it's not really explicit, and I have not found a similar error on the net.
I have this Blade template:
<table class="table table-striped">
@foreach ($lines as $line)
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span></td>
<td><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span></td>
and it gives me this error in line 19 [ @foreach ($lines as $line) ]:
Whoops, looks like something went wrong.
FatalErrorException in 79b7933d82e3f98a55e82cb71b63543f97265b8b.php line 19: parse error
1. in 79b7933d82e3f98a55e82cb71b63543f97265b8b.php line 19
If you think the problem might be in the controller, here is the code:
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Http\Requests;
use App\CableType;
class CableTypesContoller extends Controller
public function show(){
$cableTypes = CableType::all();
//$data = array('lines'=>$cableTypes,'title'=>'Cable Types');
//return view('insideTable5wDelSee')->with($data);
return view('insideTable5wDelSee')->with('lines',$cableTypes);
Thank you for your time.
via Skrime