Can you help me with the problem below?
I have three models: - Email (table: 'emails', fields: 'id', 'email') - EmailRelGroup (table 'emails_rel_groups', fields: 'id', 'id_email', 'id_group') - Group (table: 'groups', fields 'id', 'group_name')
Emails can have more than one group and a group can have more than one email. Many-to-many relationship.
What is the best way for me to list the emails and their respective groups?
$sub_query = "
select group_concat(g.group_name separator ', ')
from emails_rel_groups as r
inner join groups as g
r.id_email =
and = r.id_group
limit 1
) as groups
$records = Email::select('id','email')
->orderBy('email', 'asc')
via João Gabriel Casteluber Laass