Tuesday, March 21, 2017

laravel envoyer bootstrap cache services error

I have a laravel 5.3 project running with git and envoyer.

If people are on the website and playing a game and there's a deployment going I get the following error:

failed to open stream: Permission denied

Now offcourse it says permission denied so it has something to do with the rights of the user.

Now before the new release is activated I do the following:

chmod 777 -R bootstrap/cache

Offcourse this is not the way too go and this has to be changed for security reasons.

Now i've searched the internet a lot and saw that a lot more people are having the same/similar issue's. Also saw multiple solutions.

  • changing the group the user is in so the right's okay
  • setting the right to 775 or 755
  • Even saw someone with right 644 but I couldn't get it to work

Now I really hope someone knows how to solve this problem the proper way. Specially because there are so many more people having the same issue but I could not find an good answer to.

via user3398922
