I'm having an issue with phpunit and mockery to test my laravel controller.It always returning an error of:
BadMethodCallException: Method Mockery_4_Illuminate_Http_Request::offsetExists() does not exist on this mock object
here's my controller:
class ImageController extends Controller{
protected $imageRepository;
protected $authorizationKey;
public function __contruct(ImageRepository $imageRepository){
$this->imageRepository = $imageRepository;
public function getImage(Request $request){
//i think error comes on this line
$this->authorizationKey = (new AuthKey())->getAuthKey($request->token);
$images = $this->imageRepository->getByCategory($request->image_category, $request->limit);
return $images;
and here's my test:
public function test_images_get(){
$imageRepo = Mockery::mock(ImageRepository::class);
$request = Mockery::mock(Request::class, function($request){
$imageController = new ImageController($imageRepo);
$response = $imageController->getImage($request);
Anyone have an idea to fix? Thanks in advance.
via Cris