Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Laravel Project, access a specific view

I have a laravel, angularjs - bootstrap project, where I have many forms. Every form has its own view : CategoriesView for example. In this view I defined 3 variables,categories, newcategories and updatecategories.

newcategories shows me a form where I can add a new category. updatecategories load a form where I can edit a specific category.

When I load the view, categories load using a table like this:


#   |    Description  | 
1   |    food         | pencilIcon
2   |    beverage     | pencilIcon

If the user clicks new category button, newcategories load (newcategories =true), if he clicks on pencil, it goes to updatecategories with categoryid (updatecategories = true).

My question is, In another form, i made a button where the user can add a new category, but how can I load directly the new category form, without passing in categories(the main view page where the user get the list of categories)

via Elio Chamy
