Thursday, March 30, 2017

Laravel query not binding values correctly

My query is returning the wrong results and I think it is because the final parameter (minutes) is not being binded to the query. when I get the querylog everything seems fine but the wrong results are being returned. If I putthe minutes parameter directly into the query it returns the right results as expected but this value needs to be a variable.

To explain the query it is counting all records until the total minutes hit a set number, in my example im using 500.

This query works and returns results as expected:

DB::select('SELECT NULL AS session_total_charges, NULL AS call_date, NULL AS inbound_duration, NULL AS total
  FROM dual
 WHERE @total := 0 
SELECT session_total_charges, call_date, inbound_duration,  @total := @total + inbound_duration AS total
 FROM (SELECT * FROM records  ORDER BY call_date) C where calling_user =:user and call_date LIKE :date AND outbound_zone_id IN ("UKX","UKM","UKLR","UKNR") and @total < 500', ["user"=>$user, "date"=>$date]);

This query does not work and only returns one row

DB::select('SELECT NULL AS session_total_charges, NULL AS call_date, NULL AS inbound_duration, NULL AS total
  FROM dual
 WHERE @total := 0 
SELECT session_total_charges, call_date, inbound_duration,  @total := @total + inbound_duration AS total
 FROM (SELECT * FROM records  ORDER BY call_date) C where calling_user =:user and call_date LIKE :date AND outbound_zone_id IN ("UKX","UKM","UKLR","UKNR") and @total < :minutes', ["user"=>$user, "date"=>$date, "minutes"=>$minutes]);

[query] => SELECT NULL AS session_total_charges, NULL AS call_date, NULL AS inbound_duration, NULL AS total

    FROM dual
     WHERE @total := 0 
    SELECT session_total_charges, call_date, inbound_duration,  @total := @total +  inbound_duration AS total
     FROM (SELECT * FROM records  ORDER BY call_date) C where calling_user =:user and call_date LIKE :date AND outbound_zone_id IN ("UKX","UKM","UKLR","UKNR") and @total < :minutes
              [bindings] => Array
                     [user] => T-M000005251-009
                     [minutes] => 500
                     [date] => 2016-12-%%

//Result using bindings (only one row returned)
     [0] => stdClass Object
                [session_total_charges] => 0.014125
                [call_date] => 2016-12-01 09:12:39
                [inbound_duration] => 113
                [total] => 113

//Result with values inserted directly into query(correct result returned)

     [0] => stdClass Object
                [session_total_charges] => 0.014125
                [call_date] => 2016-12-01 09:12:39
                [inbound_duration] => 113
                [total] => 113

        [1] => stdClass Object
                [session_total_charges] => 0.04733333
                [call_date] => 2016-12-01 09:18:16
                [inbound_duration] => 142
                [total] => 255

        [2] => stdClass Object
                [session_total_charges] => 0.03866667
                [call_date] => 2016-12-01 09:22:21
                [inbound_duration] => 116
                [total] => 371

        [3] => stdClass Object
                [session_total_charges] => 0.012625
                [call_date] => 2016-12-01 09:29:24
                [inbound_duration] => 101
                [total] => 472

        [4] => stdClass Object
                [session_total_charges] => 0.0505
                [call_date] => 2016-12-01 12:03:16
                [inbound_duration] => 404
                [total] => 876

via ndev
