Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Laravel relationships setup

I'm working on a Laravel installation where I have (among other things)

  • Teachers (table:users (cols: id, name, type), model:User, users.type = 2)
  • Students (table:users (id, name, type), model:User, users.type = 1)
  • Schools (table:schools (id, name), model:School)
  • Collections of students (table:student_collection (id, name), model:StudentCollection)
  • & table students_collections (id, user_id, collection_id)

I have managed to setup some relationships, but can't get my head around to get

  • Which teachers teach a student
  • Which collections does a student belong to

Currently I'm trying to get the collections with

public function collections() {
    return $this->belongsToMany('\App\StudentCollection', 'student_collections_users', 'collection_id', 'user_id');

but it returns an empty result.

I'm using Laravel 5.3.

via Apeli
