I'm trying to setup Valet to use with my Laravel projects, but ran into the problem mentioned in the title. The current version of Valet I'm running is 2.0.3.
So far this is what I've tried:
- Reinstalled valet + restart
- Reinstalled php7.0 --with-fpm
- Restarted nginx
- Updated composer global
- Installed and ran mysql through brew
- Installed and started dnsmasq
- Restarted all services + started all services via Brew
- Parked valet in different folders, but getting the same 'it works!'
I've looked at other people with the same problem, but they seem to run Valet 1.*. The solutions for them does not work for me. I don't get any error messages, and pinging foo.dev work as you would expect.
Really appreciate any feedback which can help me resolve this problem.
via M7Dev