Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Moment JS to Carbon conversion

How can I get the same timestamp from MomentJS to Carbon instance (GMT timezone)?

$(document).on('click', '#confirm-reservation .dropdown-menu a', function () {
    var href = $(e.relatedTarget).data('href');
    var time = moment().year(startTime.format("Y")).month(startTime.format("M")).date(startTime.format("D"))


    $('.btn-ok').attr('href', href + '/' + time.unix());

I am getting the correct selected value in the console which says GMT+2.

If I assign the 2 hour less value, it still get's parsed wrong.

Here is Laravel controller:

public function reserveTo($time, $timeTo)
        'reserved_from' => Carbon::createFromTimestamp($time),
        'reserved_to' => Carbon::createFromTimestamp($timeTo),

    return redirect()->back();

via Norgul
