Thursday, March 30, 2017

Using subqueries in Eloquent/Laravel

Here's the query in raw SQL:

    SELECT `characters`.`id`,`characters`.`refreshToken`,
           `characters`.`name`,max(`balances`.`created_at`) as `refreshDate`
        FROM `characters`
        INNER JOIN `balances` ON `characters`.`id` = `balances`.`character`
        WHERE `characters`.`refreshToken` IS NOT NULL
        GROUP BY `characters`.`id`
) AS `t1`
WHERE `refreshDate` < '2017-03-29';

I've tested this in phpMyAdmin and it returns the expected results. However I'm using the Eloquent and Laravel libraries in my PHP app and I'm not sure how to approach this. How exactly do subqueries work in this case?

via Peter Astbury
