Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Why does my script only the last H2 tag into the database?

I'm trying to store all the H2 tags into my database. I'm using Laravel 5.4 and DomDocument.

How i retrieve the h2 tags:

$htag2 = $dom->getElementsByTagName('h2');

My h2 tags:

<h2> htag2-1 </h2>
<h2> htag2-2 </h2>
<h2> htag2-3 </h2>
<h2> htag2-4 </h2>

This is the output in the database: htag2-4. As you can see it skips the other 3 h2tags in my xml file.

I'm trying to save this using for loop:

for ($i = 0; $i < $htag2->length; $i++) {
 $ts->h2_tag = $htag2->item($i)->nodeValue;

Declaration for $ts: $ts = new Scan;

via itvba
