Thursday, March 30, 2017

Insert a field with value whenever new instance of modal is created

I want to insert a field with value whenever new row is created for a modal.

Ex: Suppose this is my user.php modal

class User extends Authenticatable
 protected $guarded = ['id'];

What i want is in my application anywhere when i insert a row in user table, then i want to insert an extra column code with its value in user table.

Ex: If i do below in my application

User::create(['name'=>'xyz', 'password' => 'kajsndjk']);

then it should insert an extra column code =>'Qwedf' also in my table.

In my application there are many places where i am creating the users, so i don't want to remember every time to insert code column.

Please suggest how can i achieve it.

via Vikash
