I have a laravel project with a CalendarService and I inject that service into my controller. In the constructer I do something like this:
/** @var Collection|Timelog[] */
private $timelogs;
public function __construct()
$this->currentRoute = URL::to( '/' ) . "/home";
$this->timelogs = Auth::user()->timelogs()->get();
$this->currentDay = 0;
/** @var CalendarService */
protected $calenderService;
public function __construct
CalendarService $calendarService
$this->calenderService = $calendarService;
And I get this error
Call to a member function timelogs() on null
About this line of code:
I have used the use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
in my service
Does anyone know what is going on here any help is much appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
via Frank Lucas